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Meaning of candle colors

Updated: Jan 4, 2023

It is not only the essential oils diffused during the lighting of your candle that influence your way of being. The color of your candle can also have an overall impact.

A white candle brings purity, peace, confidence and hope. White, which includes all colors, represents purity and hope through its harmony between colors as well as a blank page ready to be papered with what defines it. We can also admire it through peace and trust present in the white flag ending of a war, finally gaining an harmony full of colorful possibilities.

A black candle brings protection and stability. Protection, just as a black knight defending his community's rights and cause to keep stability for those who cannot fight with or without him. Elegant, souple and stable keeps a knight from annihilation from the hands of a fierce dragon of terror.

A red candle brings courage, strength, sensuality, and action. Red is an excellent color for a spirited and courageous entrepreneur with both strength and determination. At work, take action and put this candle near you to bring courage and strength, as this very flame is hard to light and easy to put out. This firelike color is perfect for an evening with your significant other bringing romance to the table while igniting your passions.

An orange candle brings joy, energy and success. This color is perfect for someone who needs a burst of joy in their daily life. No matter where it is in your home, a simple glance at it brings a smile, or a dose of energy. The approach to success is a little-known virtue of this color. Having an orange candle in your office or simply at home allows you to conceive, see and appreciate your success.

A yellow candle brings clarity as well as creativity. A yellow candle is flawless for entrepreneurs. It allows you to think clearly and precisely, bringing creativity to the forefront, bringing you to the next great idea. Use this candle color to get your projects up and running faster than ever!

A green candle brings health, luck, money, fertility. Green inspires nature, which goes back to the source of health itself. A green candle brings a healthy environment and the serenity that comes with it. It can also bring health to someone in need, if needed. Green is a color representing financial gain or an increase in value on the stock market just like your twenty dollar bill you forgot in your winter coat. Fertility is also represented by green due to its association mother nature, savior of all and giver to every living of enough worth to bare it's love.

A blue candle brings calm, communication and forgiveness. This color allows one to open to new perspectives in a calm and open manner in order to have deep and thoughtful communications while keeping an open mind. As it opens you realize that the enormity of the ocean can barely fit your mind.

A purple candle brings tranquility and wisdom. This color, like lavender, brings peace of mind. A candle of this kind is an excellent choice to light during the evening routine, to be rested and fall asleep calmly. Moreover, this color brings deep reflection and helps to open the mind. Relaxation at the fittest could never be obtained so easily.

A pink candle brings self love and harmony. A candle of this kind is perfect to put in your room to increase your self-esteem and learn to appreciate yourself at your true value. Also, a pink candle is perfect for a dinner party to bring harmony to the guests. Whether it's for yourself or as a host gift, the occasion is perfect. Love yourself and give the gift of self-love.

When looking for a candle for yourself or a loved one, don't just think about the fragrance, but also the color of the candle you select. Each color has its own meaning and virtues. Think about the one you deserve, or the one that best suits the person you wish to give the gift of passion.

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